
Welcome to 'Four Legs BetterThan Two'

'Four Legs' is a community arts project based on the experiences of dog walking.

Everyone is invited to participate.

This project is about how dogs shape our lives. Based on the stories, memories, joys and benefits of dog walking 'Four Legs' looks at how our dogs influence the ways in which we experience and interact with the world.

'Four Legs' also reflects on the nature of the informal community we become part of as dog owners and how this community produces a sense of belonging that enhances our lives.

All dog owners are invited to participate in the project. There are many possible levels of participation from a simple comment on the discussion boards at popular dog parks to shared walks.

Contributions to this blog site are most welcome. These could be in the form of photographs, short stories or video of your favourite walks. As the project develops this site will gather dog stories from all over Dunedin, to create a network of 'who's who' in the most popular dog areas.

Out of the project will come several different events. The most important entitled 'Four Legs Better Than Two' is the heart of the project. The experiences of dog walking will be gathered in the most inventive ways. Including the use of 'dog cam', shared walks and audio recordings this will be a light hearted and undemanding process. From these records will come the stories of dog walking and the community that we become part of through their influence. To participate in this stage please email me at sean.curham@otago.ac.nz.

The final event will be an informal showing of these stories and records - with plenty of food and drink - to which everyone is invited.

The other projects that from part of 'Four Legs Better Than Two' include an installation at the University called 'Big Dog', a sound work called 'Growly Dog', ongoing discussions on the dog park boards, 'Commune' a project with the post graduate students of the dance programme at the University of Otago , 'Good dog, bad man' a white board cartoon that is contributed to by passers by and a very light hearted project called 'Dog Park Karaoke'.

'Dog Park Karaoke' - is being created in response to the informal nature of the dog community. This event gathers its material through a process of chance encounters reflecting the informal, mobile nature of dog community interactions. We never know who we will meet. Will it be the 'regulars' out walking their dogs or will their be unknown 'newbies' on our patch? There are a number of different recording devices 'floating around' in the dog community - being handed on from person to person. These include postcards, a dog phone, and a camera. By recording your dogs information via these devices you will become part of the project building a profile of your dog.

'Dog Park Karaoke' will then be 'performed' in local parks where owners will trigger this information and a giant image of their dog. Of course more food and drink is required.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sat 18 April

Ross Creek - quiet - new sign on the playing fields - no bikes, golf or dogs - the field is empty.

Meet 'Gabby dogs' owner - we collect all the old dog poo bags thrown down beside the track - for some reason owners are bagging their dogs poo then throwing it into the bush - I don't get it and so clamber around collecting the bags. Inspired by the Tomahawk group who care take their local park picking up rubbish, glass and more dog poo.

Forbury Cnr - great comments on the board. The question was "do dogs benefit the broader community? How?"

Beach trip. Meet Julian,family and Jesse the new Lab - a four year old re-homer.

Drop in at Green Island - Xena, Pooki and Milly dogs and owners. Again plenty of comments - the pens have gone but that's no problem - to be expected.

Waldronville - pick up 20 comets - the 'pucks' used for shooting practice by the gun club - these are the ones that got away!! They must fly for miles - Ive found some at least 300m from the club. There is no one around but realize later preparations are on for a big 'Gun Club Meet.'

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